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Read This Article In Your Language!

Thursday, April 26



Hackosphere has a nifty Blogger Template called NEO. It is a cool template, unlike other 2 column or 3 column templates these templates are reigned by the power of AJAX, and Web2.0. These templates are super cool for the onlooker, and is very attractive in such portions that Ramani from hackosphere has thought of selling the templates for $$$s. Well once you look at it again, the "powered by Neo" websites like Looney Mom, Techgardens etc.,, have all used Neo in a jiff, poor people do not understand the theory of a good UI.

Neo UI to a large extent relies on hide and seek kind of text. Once you click on a certain link, it rolls down (like the google home page) and reveals the content/text. This is a cute feature on the first look, but on a day-to-day activity the user will get a little irky(imagine a newly wed wife) and stop coming back to the site. A good UI should have all the necessary text/links accessible to the visiting user all the time he is on the website/blog. A typical example would be how Amit Agarwal uses the googlepages to keep some links everlasting on his front page. New and everyday visitors would love to explore the site only when things are in the right place.

Hope the best of UI designers and the everyday user agrees with me.


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