I have been using electronic equipments with various memory chips for many years, and have understood that cleaning them regularly will help in the longer run. Here are some easy simple affordable tips and tricks to clean your Data Storage Devices such as Memory Cards, CD Disks, and DVD Diskettes.
Memory cards have a tiny metal strip on the top end, you have to keep these dust free and sediment free. To clean these you can do the following:
- Spit on them and wipe with a dust free cloth. (Use your Saliva would be a decent way to say). Spitting on these surfaces are perfectly safe, as long as you clean them spec free.
- You can alternatively use a "Goggle Cleaning Cloth" that is less abrasive.
- You can buy a less than $1 Scotch-Brite® Scratch Proof - Wipes from 3M, a popular Media Manufacturing company.
- Use Banana to wipe the shining surface of your DVD/CD and wipe it with a clean Cloth. This enables you to restore your backup, that you
thought you lost.
- Cleaning CD/DVD with liquid soap, and then wiping it with a clean dust free cloth would do wonders. You can try it on your old VCD and test if it works.
Smart Disk, SD Cards, CF Cards(Compact Flash), Memory Stick Pro, Duo, Micro SD Cards, Mini SD Cards, MMC(Multimedia Memory Cards) and xD Cards.
Note: If you like to know how the Scotch-Brite® Scratch Proof - Wipes look like, leave a comment, I shall send you the Image.