Yahoo beta is rocking the show recently, with the introduction of the Web messenger beta it is an unmatched Online Suite! the flash UI of web messenger looks awesome, and I love it inch by inch. I suggest one and all check out the new Web Messenger with "Chat History Online Option".
Okay, howto create an alarm inside your Yahoo Mail beta? Log in, look for the "Status Bar or Footer" inside your mail page, you should see "today"and a calendar icon. Click the icon to create an event for a certain date. You can add events form your yahoo messenger too, these complementing applications make yahoo the best online suite (where Google is getting to)!!
Here in the screenshot you can see the Footer that I'm talking about. Clicking on this pop-up will bring the following screen.
Once you add a new event, you can set an alarm to the event. Setting an event is purely optional. Not all events have to be followed by an alarm.
Once you give the event title, date, time and location, you can enter a short description for you to identify them later.
The location field is mappable, that means if you give a location that is prominent, you can see it on map. If the state is well mapped in the yahoo service, you can get routes from the map.
Once you set an alarm(see the image below) the alarm can be set to pop in many ways including a mobile alert. Alerts can be popped on email, messenger, mobile, and inside the Mail beta footer too!! This is an awesome set of weapons that wont allow you to forget the event!! (unless you want to forget them by purpose).
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