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Thursday, May 3

Laptop goes to Standby mode - HowTo Avoid it?

There has been many emails flowing in form TechBlo readers asking how to avoid the Laptop to go to StandBy mode after closing the Lid? - Here is your Answer!

The Windows Laptop has been made to go to stand-by mode by default. So you have to chnage some settings in your Windows Laptop to suit your needs. It is a very simple and easy, just follow my hand and you can achieve what you need.

  1. Find the Windows AC-Power icon on your system trayRight click and choose " Adjust Power Properties"
  2. In the following screen, choose the Advanced-Tab, and see below for the entries as in Image
  3. Power Buttons - Select " Do Nothing" when I close the lid,

This would do the trick of not letting your laptop to go to standby mode when you close the Lid. The laptop can be left on for a few hours, but it is advisable to shut it down or hibernate as soon as your work is over.

You might as well ike to see -

  2. Laptop goes to Standby mode - HowTo Avoid it?

technorati tags: hibernate, close laptop lid, laptop power adjustment


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