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Wednesday, May 16

MySpace and Sex Offenders

Following the Mumbai Police(India) working with Orkut, the States Officials will work with MySpace to curb Sex offenders. The Attorneys general of Eight states on Monday told MySpace to turn over any information of Sex Offenders to the state officials.

On Monday, prosecutors for the states of Georgia, Idaho, NH, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Connecticut sent a letter to MySpace asking them to turn over profiles that match known Sex Offenders of these states. Surprisingly the search has returned thousands of results says MySpace.

"Perhaps thousands more sexual predators -- not registered or using fictitious names -- are lurking on your Web site," the prosecutors stated in the letter. "We remain concerned about the design of your site, the failure to require parental permission, and the lack of safeguards necessary to protect our children" quipped the prosecutors.

This development is the latest in MySpace's attempt to weed out individuals that could potentially pose a threat to millions of minors that use the site (which they shouldn't be doing). The state officials cannot keep a hold on this, and stop the Giant from making huge money, they run behind other ways to stop these activities. Kids are supposed to be schooling, and sporting rather than be actively involving in a murky site like MySpace where people are out there to date!!

Dec 2006, MySpace teamed with Sentinel Tech Holding, a database and background-check company, to create a system that could match people(sex offenders) from the sex offenders list of various states.

Kevin a former Hacker, Senior Editor of Wired news pointed a simple search of known list of offenders returned more than 700+ results in MySpace and that is alarming.

MySpace has not responded if they would abide by the request but seems to have provided a simple status of the data mining procedure.

We shall wait till May29 for MySpace to respond, the deadline for MySpace to put it's thoughts to the Officials.


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