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Monday, May 14

Social Bookmarks Makeing a Point

Social Bookmark sites play an important role in your day-to-day blogging activity. Be it bringing in a new visitor or roping in your existing reader, leveraging your site to the heights of a search engine, the sites like Digg, Technorati, Feedburner, Stumbleupon, Blinklist,, furl and reddit. You must have been hopping around many fellow blogger's sites to check out something or the other, and en-route found Post-Footers with these site links. You wonder why these are there first place, and why so much importance is given to them all?

Well the answer is simple, it drives people to your blog more and more, and you have a steady readership that will make money soon. advertisers want to place ads on sites that have a good readership. Days are gone when vertical portals made money, now bloggers are here to take a major piece of the tart to upset vertical portals.

You should have seen many blogs allow you to subscribe to their articles, this is called RSS[really simple syndication], you too can give RSS feed to your articles. If you are using blogger or wordpress these are already available on your blog.

In some feeds, you can see a nice footer to the subscribed article if you read it form your favorite rss-reader. This footer can be customized to your needs, like have your copyright information, site details, contact details etc. This can be customized form your setting page, go to Site Feed tab and "Feed Item Footer" - enter the data/text in here, and every feed will have this as the footer. Your imagination is the limit to exploit this space, you can advertise here, you can promote your blog here !!

Feed Footer with FeedBurner: This gets more interesting with Feedburner allows you to customize your feed footer to a greater level, it has some cool pre-built footer features called FeedFlare


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